The Virtual Opening Night was live streamed on Facebook - 6th October 2020
As a response to Lockdown I created a series of paintings based on people’s experience of lockdown.
Many thanks all the participants for being brave enough to share their experiences with me and to Marissa Lambert and With-You for making the connections, but also for being the back stop for both the participants and myself.
Because of social-isolation contact has been through a combination of email, telephone, and videoconference. Everything shared has been in confidence and only used to create the paintings. Any background information relating to each painting has been included with the agreement of the participant.
I hope that these paintings will help to raise awareness and consciousness of the issues surrounding isolation.
The project has again highlighted the power of art, and the process of being part of the dialogue leading to a painting, to be cathartic. This is something I’ll pick up in a blog post soon.